
Oh no baby questions baby everything what to do???

I use http://www.babycenter.com for absolutely everything for Abel, I thought Abel was getting the chicken pox as little red bumps started popping out on him in different places. Read more about baby skin rashes and anything red splotchy anythings here http://www.babycenter.com/baby-rashes-skin-conditions It is great help for anything you may need, not saying don't use other websites but before you freak out check it out google is your best friend, scary at times, but great information! 

I ask and google everything to how much should Abel be eating at any given time, his appetite seems to get bigger and bigger everyday cookies snacks vegetables fruit Popsicles!! food food food and more food less and less milk is that normal?? hmm google!! I google his screaming fits to make sure i am not harming hiM, his crys ahah I google EVERYTHING!

Being a new parent is hard everything changes everyone has different opinions on anything and everything so sometimes it is best to form your own opinion form the get go as you are the parent you know your baby the absolute best!

If you are totally unsure your pediatrician will have answers as best they can. Don't panic stay calm and figure it out! :) Nothing great is ever easy!

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