
An update a long time coming....

So it has been a while since I have posted, as I have had alot going on. So just to start off, I no longer work at this time, I am taking some time off to be a better mom to abel and also to find a part of myself again as I started to get depressed again and that scared all of us. I was just to tired everyday and feeling sad, and didnt really know why other then some changes at work that caused some stress, and abel he is growing and i felt i was losing good time with him, time to help him learn.

Anyhow moving on since I have been just a stay at home mom, I needed to figure out a way to budget groceries bills everything, I no longer had an income and I was really scared. So I am now doing 10 meals 10 days  to feed 4 adults and abel, not including weekends as we can all pretty much take care of ourselves on saturday and sunday. All this for the 2 week pay period for $150 so in total $300 per month max! So far both times I have been under budget. :)

So what I plan on doing is linking my grocery list and menus and any tweaks I made along with links to where I got the recipe from just in case you dont want to change anything.

I will do my first round of 10 meals 10 days in another post. If you have any questions just comment in the posts and I will answer as quick as I can. So far we have been saving money which is a relief house wide, we were each literally going to the grocery store every 2-3 days to get groceries for one meal and coming home with a lot of groceries we dont use or just sat there. I also save so much more time on supper now, I spend 5hrs making the meals beforehand or prepping as much as I can and then it is only to freeze and unthaw 24 hrs before hand in fridge and cook the sides.! I no longer stress of little things like supper and healthy, it is all healthy and you no longer want takeout, well we dont lol.!

I hope you find this helpful and I promise I will make time to update every few days and every 2 weeks with the new budget and recipes and how we did! GOOD LUCK!

NOW ABOUT ABEL...... I love my son, he is amazing saying words like dadada, nana, mama, kitty, tweet tweet...he used his potty for the first time and he uses it everyday since it is crazy we only ha/d it bought less then a week, and he knows exactly here to go when we ask do you want to go potty? It's been amazing to watch him grow and learn, and we of course are learning with him. So many new photos to post for you all!

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