
*Laziii Sundays*

Oh Sundays, How when I was a child you were lazy do nothing read a book & eat chocolate chip cookie dough yummy <3 while mom cleaned the house and cooked Sunday dinner....

Well not anymore now it is me cleaning and making milk and doing laundry and working a full 8 hr shift to boot. Also this Sunday is an exception as I am packing up for Abel and me to head on our very first big adventure on an airplane to Newfoundland.!

So in the back of my mind I am going List, do I have all of his clothes, Do I have enough diapers, wipes, hats, etc.etc.etc. Crazy mommy me coming out who can never have enough.

I am hoping that this will be a successful trip as I have read everything there is to read on flying with an infant, what to do during take off and landing, how to sooth, what to take what is and isn't allowed through security! Word to the wise maybe try and avoid travelling with infants until they are able to walk and carry their own bags and items and when you don't have to travel with half of your house! Josh said we are going to avoid this again as long as we can! ahah Next July! good friends of our wedding Ashley Barnes and Steve Burry  <3 and also and old friend of mine from school Krista and Micheal's wedding the week before <3 Oh the festivities!

Anyways a little sidetracked there, I am thinking I need to do so much to get ready for this very simple 3 day trip, when really it is all probably in my head and will go off without a hitch.Hey you never know right! 

I am working inbound today again, it is super slow and so is the Que, I am getting things accomplished though so it is not so much a bad thing. I am starved and I found pop shoppe pop for .99 cents per bottle last night at zellers :) yummy one of my weaknesses during my pregnancy. Picture to left for anyone who doesn't know what that it.
 *What were your weaknesses?

I am about to start doing everything at home like my gel nails that make me feel like a women again that i pay $60 for at a nail salon, my own waxing that costs $40 by the time your done or more, Facial treatments and others homemade (picture to right), trying to do cost effective ways to help make me happy for myself instead of spending money everywhere. youtube! youtube everything google everything learn! it helps save big big money. E-BAY is one of the best and cheapest ways to get the things you need to do it yourself!

I also purchased moom an organic waxing kit for at home. http://www.moom.com/

I will add links to most websites for products i use and like after I have tried them :)
Everything I have purchased in total has been $100.00 maybe and I will be saving way more money then going to get it done by someone else.

Let me know if you know other do it yourself ideas for anything not just beauty but painting children rooms, photos, anything at all that will make bank accounts stretch for new moms on a budget.

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