
Thirsty Thursday has a whole new meaning*

It is hot hot hot here this day and yesterday and everyday lately, Abel has been in just his diaper for the past 2 weeks trying to keep cool. (we both ate ice cream well Popsicle type things with his fruit i make for him but he doesn't know it is a treat ;)..In case you are wondering I just put a teaspoon and 1/2 in homemade Popsicle thingy and freeze them for when he needs a treat or something different for a snack.)

I work for the next 4 days then we are headed to Newfoundland for a short but sweet visit. I have a feeling I am going to be very very tired. I am excited as many people who have not yet gotten to meet our little delight will get to see his awesomeness.

I found this amazing thing online the other day and I cannot wait to do it with Abel when he is old enough.

I thought it was pretty neat. When you become a mom you seem to think of more interesting and creative ways to do everything, whether it be putting food for your baby away in a way nobody else can but you understand it, or thinking of activities you can do together, or their closets how you pair clothes what to hand what to store in a drawer. Its like you inherit this sort of creepy spidey sense and organization and creativity that you never knew you had. Also you find things like homemade finger paints awesome, and blog about them at 12:30 at night when work is super slow.

I will be posting up a lot of new ideas I find as I want to share them with you all. 

So instead of Thirsty Thursday meaning I go to a bar and get hammered on cheap drinks and shots, my thirsty Thursdays are way better now as when Abel and I are Thirsty we eat our Popsicle drink our juice and water and play in the pool :) 

I hope everyone is enjoying their week, :) It's almost Friday ! x0x0

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