
Just a quickie update...

Abels is sound asleep taking his mid day nap upstairs so a quick update for everyone wondering Josh and I yes we worked it out because that is of course what you do when you love each other, Rough patches they suck and they hurt and they make you wonder everything but that is why they are called rough patches. I am going to seek some new mommy groups out and maybe a person outside of my daily life to speak to as sometimes you just need to get other thoughts out and don't know how around the ones you love.

Day by day I will figure it out just like every new mom has to the how too's on juggling motherhood a job and a relationship.!Nothing is ever easy but me and Josh can accept that, as we go through each and every up and down in our new life together, but we love each other and have for a very long time so we will do anything to make it work. We know the only reason why either one of us would ever leave and we both know it will never happen. That is all that matters. 

I love my life there is nothing and nobody that can take that away from me. No matter how much I complain or just feel like the day to day is hard and exhausting it is life and you go to bed and redo it all over again :)

I hope all you new parents understand it will never get easier just harder, but it will be the best joyride of your life also the hardest but figure it out and do whatever you can to make it work for that  new baby of yours.All you new daddy's out there please be supportive new mommy cant handle everything she doesn't know everything and she does need help even though she wont ask for it just support her :) 

So just to let you know I am spending this amazing beautiful day with my handsome little boy who is now waking up we are going for a walk and enjoying the air and sunshineys! :) I hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday and I will write again as soon as I get a chance. :)

p.s. Love you Joshy ;) x0-

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