
So it has been a few months... May 06, 2012 we celebrated Joshs 24th birthday we got him lots of prizes!  We have had several visitors since the christening,my little sister and her boyfriend, my aunt & uncle from newfoundland. And their daughter krista. The biggest news and change for all of us here since May has been I got a new part time job.!.!

Yes a job, it's hard becoming a new mom, bills, baby food, diapers, wipes, milk, you name it $100.00 here there everywhere. It was scary I haven't been off this long from work since before I was old enough to work...no income coming in but abels childtax and universal child credit, which isn't enough to get everything you need for that beautiful baby and pay bills and savings. It's so hard to budget after you get everything you need for him for the month and put away some for his savings. So I decided to pick up a part time job, I now work for MarketLinc!  Lifesavers is my biggest word. For this company, I got my first interview and I was so nervous. Not many company's want to hire a new mom with a very strict schedule!  I didn't even want to mention it and just try and get by. Well it ended up coming out in that very first interview when I was asked what I felt about hours and weekends and night shifts etc. They explained we will work as best as we can with you around you and your child! Awesome was all that came to my mind

So on and so forth I received the second interview!!:) and yes GOT THE JOB!! I started work on the 13th of June 2012! Working 2 night shifts until 1 am and both Saturday and Sunday 8 hr shifts but working from home, where I can still be with my family on my breaks! :) 

I know I am lucky to have a family that supports me being a full time mom and taking on a part time job. They watch Abel for me while I work,  I understand that not everybody can be as lucky to have help with child-care to work and get that little bit of extra income but if you can even do it for two or three nights week while bb is sleeping the money is an amazing help to relieve financial worries. It may not be a lot of money but it's something to help save for abels future.  

It is exhausting yes but honestly worth it! I have realized every time my 4 shifts are over how much I would do absolutely anything for my baby boy even if it means working and getting no sleep because he wakes up with hunger belly pains or just needs mama cuddles cause he missed me from not putting him to bed or just because, and spending everyday after working till that early morning hr playing and going for walks to the park making supper and doing it all over again! I would do it no matter what it took out of me as long as I know Abel will be ok.  So new moms out there yeah life's hard but since you have brought that little person into the world you are finally finding out how strong you can be! ! You got this!  

Here's their website for anyone looking for a work from home position...


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