
Sunny Cuddly Days*

Ok so i am sitting here after cleaning Abels room and laundry and playtime watching him have his own time now, he is moving wipes from one box to another and sweeping the floor. It is amazing how smart he is.

After his ear infection and sickness we have finally gotten a family membership to the local gym,pool, skating rink with library included. We took him to his first parent tot swim last Saturday, it was great. Every child should know how to swim. I am enrolling him in a swim program at the end of this month that helps me learn with him on how to teach him. Also Josh and I have taken up date night swimming for adults its really fun our time and we get a chance to talk and relax together (no electronics aha).

I have also taken him to a parent child get together at the library and the library has the books and also a play place with toys and train table he enjoyed being there so much interacting with the other kids. He was non stop babbling that whole time. It makes me so happy to see him play and lean and interact. It has pushed me to go get my license I will be enrolling in a class as soon as one becomes available and going the next step, so this summer me and abel can go to as much family fun stuff as we can and parks.

I have never been more proud and more excited to learn something or do something, I look forward to every weekend now and weekdays we can go do something away from the house.

Now for the recipes I know I promised to have them up still typing them sadly, aha i will get them all up with appropriate links to grocery lists I promise. We were not happy with a few so I will either leave those out or add them with be careful make sure you add based on what you enjoy. I am also one of the couple picky eaters in my home so it makes it harder.

This time around we were only a few dollars under budget but alot more cooking meals not just premade and pop in the slow cooker as I am not working now sob I have the time to enjoy cooking again.

I hope all your weeks are off to a great start! I hope to be blogging every few days now as my wonderful fiance gave me a gorgeous tablet and a keyboard case has arrived so blogging is possible on the go now.


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