
*Ok Update time*

Ok so very sorry I have been sick latley no voice no energy and no head to blog and stare at a computer screen, stupid colds!!!
So did any of you go check out the link I put up http://brighterfutures.ownanewbusiness.com/ and see about how to make a little extra mula on the side and check out the great products you can order.! I mean I am only really getting into it now I dont expect it to pya my bills or anything but extra money with little effort is extra money to me! Anyhow check it out!! and you get a phone call form me so cant go wrong there! :)

Ok so Abel growing growing and growing more each day, he is trying to crawl but really only rolls around and around as he wants to stand and almost gets there to walk lol he stands up and crawls up on tables and in his playpen , everywhere he grab something to get himself stood up on ! its crazieeeeee!, scary too lol, he is getting so loud and he is a brute throwing and smashing things just for the awesome loud sound it makes he giggles ;) everytime. 

We are in the process of preparing for christmas and planning figuring out how many gifts price amounts etc. Also planning for Abel's very 1st birthday! It is going to be amazing, an All about Able day, no more Christmas Eve! Everyone who is everyone will be there kinda day lol. 

Anyhow it is Saturday night I am going to finish downloading my new game again, and go watch a movie while baby boy sleeps. Have a great long weekend everyone !!! 

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