
Wacky Wednesday*!:P*

Ok so it is wacky Wednesday again and what else are you going to other then be wacky with your kids, now i may not have a toddler but I am definitely interested in finding out cool and neat ideas to do with Abel when he is one! here are some ideas i found.So try them out !

5 Ways to Keep Your Toddler Busy with Stuff from Around the House:

1.  Kids Love to Pour

During these warm summer months, fill up a bowl with water, give them a few cups out on the deck, and they'll happily pour for a long time, which is great for fine motor skills.  You can also try rice, beans, anything that pours well and has an interesting texture.  You might even tell them they are making soup for some fun imaginary play.  Of course, be sure you closely supervise your young children during all of these activities so they don't put anything in their mouth.

2.  Paint Anything You Can Find

Even kids as young as 18 to 20 months can do painting.  Give them just paper, or an egg carton and show them how to make a caterpillar. Or even try a paper towel tube and cut slits in the bottom to make an octopus.

3.  Make Your Own Racetrack

Get some long butcher paper from Hobby Lobby and set it out on your kitchen floor and be sure to tape down each end.  Draw a long race track  with markers and get out some cars.  You go on one end, and your toddler goes on the other.  You can roll the cars back and forth to each other on the long race track.  This is especially fun for little boys and it usually only takes a few minutes to help them understand to stay at one end.

4.  Make a Paper Plate Sheep

Get out some cotton balls and glue.  Show your toddler how to put a small dab of glue on each cotton ball and affix it to the plate.  If you have older children, they might be capable of gluing cotton balls around the exterior for a true "sheep" but for the younger crowd (20 months to 3 years), they will more likely put cotton balls all over the plate, but praise them lavishly for being able to get the cotton balls on there at all.  The first time we did this, I really had to force myself to let go and allow my 20 month old boy to hold the glue bottle, but he amazed and impressed me with his ability to do this.  If you want to finish the sheep, you can glue on eyeballs, and cut a nose and ears out of construction paper.  

5.  Experiment with Baking Soda and Vinegar

Buy some squeeze bottles from Wal-Mart. (Don't worry, this isn't money wasted. You will be able to use them all the time.) For this experiment, get out a foil tin pan and pour some baking soda in the bottom. Fill up the squeeze bottle with vinegar and show them how to squeeze into the pan.  The vinegar will make the baking soda fizzle and this will be fascinating for your toddler!  Feel free to mix the vinegar with water so you don't waste so much vinegar.  They will want to do this over and over again and it's a great way to build up those arm muscles that they will need later for learning to write.  To make it even more interesting, add paint to the bottom of the tin so that they can see the colors swirling together.
The important thing is to not let all of these activities overwhelm you.  They are meant to be a fun way to spend an hour with your toddler.  I have even noticed that after I spend some good quality time with my kids, they are more likely to play on their own for awhile so that I can pay some bills or do the dishes in peace.  And what Mom doesn't want to do the dishes in peace once in awhile? 
It is amazing the things you can learn to do with your kids as they get older. I hope you enjoy reading my blog, I know it is a lot of pointless stuff but it is a place for me to get out all the stuff that goes on in my head, as crazy and pointless as it is sometimes.



Pot Roast Tuesday...hmmm yummy

Ok pot roast Tuesday here is a recipe for pot roast I will try today i am very excited as it is a comfort food. 


  • 4 lbs. beef chuck roast, trimmed of excess fat
  • kosher salt and freshly ground pepper
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 15-oz. can crushed tomatoes
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 red onions, halved
  • 2 cloves garlic, smashed
  • 6 carrots, peeled and sliced 1/2" thick
  • 2 celery stalks, sliced 1/2" thick
  • Assorted fresh herbs: I like a few sprigs of rosemary, thyme, flat leaf parsley, and a few bay leaves, but you can use whatever you like.


One hour before cooking, take the meat out of the fridge, rinse it and pat it dry with paper towels.

When you’re ready to start cooking, season the meat on all sides with a fair amount of salt and pepper. In a large Dutch oven or heavy bottomed stockpot, heat the olive oil over moderately high heat. Brown the meat on all sides, about 3-4 minutes per side. Pour in the tomatoes and the water. Tuck the vegetables and herbs in around the meat. Cover the pot, bring to a simmer, then reduce the heat to low. Braise for about 3 hours, basting every 30 minutes with the pan juices, until the beef is fork tender.

Remove the pot roast from the pan, allowing it to cool for a few minutes. Slice the pot roast and arrange on a platter surrounded by the vegetables, keeping enough aside to puree or shred for your child. Serve with the juices from the pot.

If you’re serving the meat the next day, allow the meat to cool, then cover and refrigerate. The next day, scrape off any fat that has risen to the surface and discard it before reheating over low heat.
Tyler Florence’s version for the Food Network

This is going to be so yummy! Love slow cooker recipes for the easiness of being able to do your house chores and cleaning and having more time to spend with your baby.I also work again tonight last shift then off for 3 whole days yippi! but it does help in that instance too because there are never enough hrs for everything in a day and especially a good supper for everyone.
I am still calling for that other at home business so you guys should definetley check it out as it is good for a little extra cash and your not selling anything so it is easy and I only do it for 1-2 hrs on my days off. Anyhow check it out the link looking wont hurt! http://brighterfutures.ownanewbusiness.com/  So fill out the info and learn and get a phone call from me and lets talk ! 

Ok so everyone I hope you do try this yummy super delicious recipe! I hope you also have a great Tuesday evening with your families or pets and I will get back in touch tomorrow, yeah if you catch on I am trying to update daily now with new and interesting ideas for what I have been doing with Abel. x0x0 -


Mondays Everybody hates MONDAYS!!

Oh how everyone hates Mondays, but I don't, it is the first after a whole weekend of working and everybody being home with Abel that it is just me and him one on one time that we need after a crazy busy super long weekend.

So how do you make Mondays more eventful? Well for me it is making sure i get a head start on my weekly house chores laundry and cleaning so I have more time in the evenings for Josh and I time after we put Abel to bed, also I like to maybe think of things to do for upcoming events or just the week ahead for suppers or even a date night.

So here is one idea for a Monday with your baby, why not teach them sign language..?? ahah you think i am crazy but i have been doing some research on it and it seems very interesting. p.s. join circle of moms so many useful tips there! http://www.circleofmoms.com

Ok so back to teaching your child sign language it is an amazing concept from what I see, and I plan on trying it out with Abel now that he is more coherent and has somewhat of a better attention span, so it shall be my mission on Monday to at least try :) Here are some good reasons why to try and teach your baby sign language:

* To ease baby's frustration
* To improve listening
* To improve speech

this is the website i recommend checking out it seems very informative and fun! well thats all for now x0x0 new ideas on tuesday <3


Abel got his 2nd tooth!!!! *

Ok so just a quickie update this lovely relaxing Saturday night Abel got his 2nd tooth!!!! yeah really in a week my baby boy has gotten 2 teeth! I could cry .. wait I did, like a baby, for a few minutes i was a bigger baby then Abel himself. I have no idea where the time is going, it is really happening our little baby boy is growing up before our eyes. 

In a few short months Abel will be 1 year old on Christmas eve or well the day formally known as Christmas eve, now Abel's Birthday.* He will have maybe more then 2 whole teeth and possibly be standing up on his own wobbly or walking who knows! maybe even saying more and more words instead of just mamamamamamama.  

I am very happy with my life, I couldn't ask for anything more, I am accomplishing being a mommy to a wonderful baby boy and girlfriend soon to be wife to an amazing man, and working 2 jobs,  It's exhausting (life in general I mean) but amazing!

I hope you never take any of this life for granted , it will have many loops and turns and crazy rides but honestly it is the best time of your life. Somedays yes I feel like i get no me time , i feel sad, i feel mad, but the better part of the time I am so crazily happy I cant understand why this all didn't happen sooner. Anyways another day at work about to start, will have more posts up soon x0x0 -  

My happy baby boy with a duck stuck to his head ahaha 


Abel got his first tooth!!

Abel got his first tooth!! On September 3rd 2012, Honestly not as bad as we thought it would be, He was sooky for 2 days and not himself but then all of a sudden a tooth on the bottom left of his mouth! Soon they will be popping out all over oh my goodness, my baby boy is growing up and changing so quickly!

So hint , use tylenol, camilla teething capsules, oragel for his gums, all of it it works it wont take away all of the pain thats for sure but it certainly does help. Lots of Love that is the key! 

So Abel is getting around and moving and growing like crazy i have some videos I took of hims yesterday that show how much he has changed in the last couple of months! He has such a personality and is very sneaky!

I am so in love with our little boy, Josh and I cannot believe that this is where life has taken us. There is so much changing on a daily basis. He picks things apart and figures them out then gets bored with them.

I picked up his first tool bench at a great deal for Easter next year, it is so cute! I love sales. So good for early birthday/Christmas present shopping. I am loving life, with work, it is great help to know I can provide for baby boy and not worry so much, Josh and I can go out and not panic over every cent we spend all the time. Also joining the melaleuca team has given me the ability to potentially make some extra cash while also shopping from my home, so no gas money spent and safer products for my family and pets, since I clean like a freak :), They are all natural, and I am using the laundry detergent it smells amazing and so far makes everything very soft! Happy days!

If you want to check it out fill out some information and try it out here is the link http://brighterfutures.ownanewbusiness.com/ it is worth it if you have a job that you do and would like to gain a little extra income without selling anything and without working 8 hrs a day, it wont pay your mortgage it is not a get rich quick business, Anyways check it out, I love it so far and I have decided to put an hour a day into it while abel naps.

I hope you liked his videos of our little munchkin, and I will post again soon. 
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! x0x0


*Ok Update time*

Ok so very sorry I have been sick latley no voice no energy and no head to blog and stare at a computer screen, stupid colds!!!
So did any of you go check out the link I put up http://brighterfutures.ownanewbusiness.com/ and see about how to make a little extra mula on the side and check out the great products you can order.! I mean I am only really getting into it now I dont expect it to pya my bills or anything but extra money with little effort is extra money to me! Anyhow check it out!! and you get a phone call form me so cant go wrong there! :)

Ok so Abel growing growing and growing more each day, he is trying to crawl but really only rolls around and around as he wants to stand and almost gets there to walk lol he stands up and crawls up on tables and in his playpen , everywhere he grab something to get himself stood up on ! its crazieeeeee!, scary too lol, he is getting so loud and he is a brute throwing and smashing things just for the awesome loud sound it makes he giggles ;) everytime. 

We are in the process of preparing for christmas and planning figuring out how many gifts price amounts etc. Also planning for Abel's very 1st birthday! It is going to be amazing, an All about Able day, no more Christmas Eve! Everyone who is everyone will be there kinda day lol. 

Anyhow it is Saturday night I am going to finish downloading my new game again, and go watch a movie while baby boy sleeps. Have a great long weekend everyone !!!